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Better connected secondary and tertiary nodes to TEN-T core and comprehensive network through joint CBC measures

What’s the goal?

The project main objective is to improve traffic conditions, safety and conductivity between secondary and tertiary nodes and core TEN-T infrastructure in the cross border area through the modernization of 5.087 km of local and regional roads of cross-border importance.

What’s the budget?

4,769,687.25 euro, out of which 4,054,234.14 euro ERDF

Who is doing it?

Lead Beneficiary (LB): Veliko Tarnovo Municipality (Bulgaria)

Beneficiary 2 (B2): Territorial Administrative Unit Calafat Municipality (Romania)

Beneficiary 3 (B3): Future Today Association (Bulgaria)

When is it happening?

Start date: 10.12.2019

End date: 31.12.2023

Duration: 48 months and 22 days

Where is it happening?

Vidin, Veliko Tarnovo in Bulgaria

Calafat, Dolj County in Romania

How is it going to happen?

  • Modernization of 5.087 km of local and regional roads of cross-border importance, which directly connect the secondary and tertiary nodes on both sides of the Danube to the basic TEN-T infrastructure;
  • Coordinating the mechanisms for overcoming the new common challenges arising from the operation of the core TEN-T infrastructure on Pan European corridors 4, 8 and 9;
  • Organizing awareness-raising activities with the support of NGOs for the safety of citizens in places where the heavy burden of road traffic meets the local population.

What will be the results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs:

- 5.087 km of reconstructed or modernized roads;

- 3 common mechanisms to facilitate the connection of secondary / tertiary nodes to the TEN-T infrastructure, namely: Elaboration of a traffic safety measures report, applying route guidance and implementation of an awareness raising campaign of safety.

Programme results:

- 85,854 cross-border population served by modernized infrastructure leading to TEN-T.

Project status

Current Project Status:

The implementation period of the project ended on 31.12.2023, but because of the delays registered at the investment activity of LB, the project was included on the list of non-functional projects. The new completion date of the project is 31.12.2024.

The investment objective of LB is divided in 3 sub-sites. The opening of sub-site no. 1is expected to take place on 16th of September 2024, while the construction works are foreseen to be finalized on 20th of December 2024. The construction works for sub-sites no. 2 regarding the street network and no. 3 with the 2 bridges are almost completed. Following the modernization of 1.4 km of road in Veliko Tarnovo, LB reported a number of 76,811 persons served by the modernized infrastructure for the Result indicator.

B2 finalized the construction works on his behalf and reported as achieved 0.51 km of modernized roads in Calafat. The reception at the end of the construction works on behalf of B2 took place on 21st of September 2023. In addition, B2 reported a value of 16,809 people served by the modernized Jiului Street for the Result indicator.

B3 finalized the implementation of 2 joint mechanisms to facilitate the connection of secondary/tertiary nodes to TEN-T infrastructure, namely the awareness raising campaign on safety and the traffic safety measures mechanism. The report on traffic safety measures can be found at the following links:




On 26.08.2024, respectively 29.08.2024, B3 organized 2 informative events entitled “Project ROBG-383 Horizons: A Journey Through Aims to Accomplishments” in Ruzhintsi and Veliko Tarnovo.



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